Nukilan Penulis

Setiap perkara yang berlaku disekeliling kita melibatkan pertanyaan seperti apa, dimana, bagaimana, bila dan siapa.
Blog ini akan cuba membincangkan perkara yang berhubung dengan:
1) Kota Marudu
2) Banjir
3) GIS
4) Globalisasi dan Pembangunan
5) Teori Pembangunan
6) 4 Tapak Domain Sabah
7) SDC dan SEDIA

Friday 30 March 2012

GIS Application in Monitoring The Effects of Flooding. Case Study : Kota Marudu

Flood in general is a natural disaster that gives negative impact to human and their environment. The Kota Marudu district is one of the area that hardest hit by flood in past 2011. So the location of this study is on the Kota Marudu district and Tandek area is the main focus.  Objective of this study was to identify the factors that cause of flood in the Kota Marudu district, particularly in the area N5 Tandek. In addition, this study also identified the impact of the floods that occurred since early 2000 especially in their economy things. This research also aims to classify the flood zones follow by the flooding effect in the study area. The data that required in this study is the rainfall, river network map, the flood report and the related hydrological data. On-site visit and research also conducted to understand the real situation and to know the problem faced by the people that living in flood affected. Geography Information System (GIS) application fully use in the analysis process to get the required result. A few zones will be set by area or village and further make the analysis of flood effect with different zones.

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